
Dredge edh
Dredge edh

  1. #Dredge edh how to
  2. #Dredge edh update

Humans is another deck that uses these effects to win a race, which is why I’m a big fan of Zan Syed’s copies of Tormod’s Crypt. Tron does this effectively with powerful effects like Wurmcoil Engine and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, while a combo deck like Ironworks can use Tormod’s Crypt as a way to buy an extra turn in the race that still has functionality in their own combo as an artifact to sacrifice for mana. By themselves they will only delay the inevitable and need to be augmented by some way to close the game while they stumble or win the long game. It still runs into the issue of letting them fill their graveyard, so once it is answered they will build a battlefield immediately, but it also stops their most explosive draws, so expect to see more of these around.Īnd lastly, if you’re thinking of using the one-shot effects like Tormod’s Crypt, Relic of Progenitus, or Ravenous Trap, know that they are only speed bumps and need to be backed up by pressure.

dredge edh

Grafdigger’s Cage also gets better, since one of the better options to beat it, casting large Golgari Grave-Trolls, is no longer available.

dredge edh

I particularly like Spell Queller since it can answer Life from the Loam, thereby neutering the power of Conflagrate, and it pressures them in the air while you focus on handling their ground creatures. You don’t want to go out of your way to add protection cards to your deck because counterspells and discard are only effective in small doses against Dredge (typically to strip an early enabler or counter a key Conflagrate), but having a few will give you a powerful “protect the queen” strategy that you can execute. Like Leyline of the Void, Dredge essentially can’t operate while Rest in Peace is on the battlefield, so it’s best supplemented by cards that protect it from opposing removal, like Thoughtseize out of Leyline decks and Spell Queller or counterspells out of decks with Rest in Peace. The recouped explosiveness is due to additional reach, but that reach is irrelevant if they have no battlefield presence to back it up.

#Dredge edh update

I analyzed the different kinds of graveyard hate when Dredge first emerged in Modern, and much of what I wrote then stands true today, but there are some things to update now that Golgari Grave-Troll is out of the format.įirst is that Rest in Peace is more effective, because the deck still doesn’t get on the battlefield as quickly as it used to. That said, graveyard hate does have a critical role to play in combating Dredge, but it’s one tool to be used in concert with other forms of disruption, not a universally effective sledgehammer for the matchup. In a format as diverse as Modern you simply can’t devote the necessary sideboard space to hate cards for a single deck in order to turn those cards into a plan in and of themselves. A Turn 4 Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus is likely not going to be good enough even if they don’t have an answer, because by then the damage is likely already done. If the opponent has an answer or you fail to find a hate card, you’re a huge underdog.Īnd against Dredge, you need to find that hate card quickly. That means you’ll have to draw your hate cards in both sideboard games to consistently win the matchup, and that’s against an opponent who’s prepared for your hate.

dredge edh

On a fundamental level, if you’re relying on hate cards to win any matchup, you’re essentially conceding Game 1. This is a poor approach to the matchup for several reasons.

dredge edh

Dredge has a reputation as a deck that’s miserable to play against, which causes many players to skimp on testing against it and rely on their hate cards to do the heavy lifting against a linear deck. Many players are going to react in a very predictable way: adding a few more copies of their preferred graveyard hate card and calling it a day.

#Dredge edh how to

Being that Dredge is the Modern deck that I have the most experience with, here’s my advice for how to prepare for the upcoming sea of Stinkweed Imps and Conflagrates. Creeping Chill has not fundamentally altered the deck, merely allowed it to recoup some of the explosiveness it lost when Golgari Grave-Troll was rebanned. That means it’s up to you to learn how to beat the deck.

Dredge edh